Thursday, April 30, 2015

How was your day?

This is my reflective journal, or my blog, I haven’t decided how this is going to go yet. I do know, or more so I think, that after watching Californiacation I felt like my life as a teacher, coach, and more importantly a fiancĂ©, is blog worthy.

Where to start is the difficult part.

I am thinking of a “ so how was your day?” question as something to reflect on. That, at least to me, is such a funny question. It always warrants the same response, “good.” But, was it really “good?” Was it so uneventful that all of the happenings, all of the triumphs, all of the tribulations and shortcomings, can be summed up in to one, blan, uneventful, undescriptive, snooze of a word as “good”

How was my day? It is 10:30 in the morning and it has already seen every emotional swing under the sun. I got here early as usual and planned for today and the next. I got everything ready and waited for the students to come in.
 I greet them with a smile because you never know how much someone might need a smile and a simple good morning. It makes people feel like they are worth something. Like their presence is not going unnoticed. 
Of course, as soon as class starts I realized I uploaded the wrong document. Yay me. This is a good class though and they don’t blink an eye. The classes to come however would lose their bananas. One wrong move, one side track, and most students would fall into an uncontrolled downward spiral of emotional fever. I am blessed to have such a good first period. I fix the mistake and keep moving.

1 comment:

  1. You inspire me on a daily basis. I love this and how passionate you are about what you do!
